Home / Business / As the world press adopted the Russian kinokomiksa “the Defenders”: a review of reviews

As the world press adopted the Russian kinokomiksa “the Defenders”: a review of reviews

In a country where has never been superheroes, there is a team of people with incredible superpowers, gained through scientific experiments during the Cold war. However, they have to defend Moscow and the world is not against an external enemy, but from unusual and powerful antagonist.

As the world press adopted the Russian kinokomiksa “the Defenders”: a review of reviews

A new trailer for the superhero film “the Defenders” came not only for Russian but also for foreign viewers. The authors of foreign publications have seen the video and share their experiences – apparently, they were particularly impressed by the superhero-bear, played by Anton Pampushny.

The GuardianПриключения superheroes called “Defenders” can be a Russian response to the hugely successful comic book blockbusters Marvel. Superhero movies have been incredibly successful in Russia: for example, “the Avengers: age of Ultron” has grossed 34 million dollars. But no Hollywood film in 2013 failed to beat the record of the war drama in 3D, “Stalingrad”, which rescued 52 million dollars.”

The English-language poster of the “Defenders”

Firstshowing.netСтоит to say that the trailer debut of the Russian superhero movie “the Defenders” looks really cool: you can rate crazy footage of fights right in the city, looks quite exciting. A psychopath with curved swords, of the invisible witch, a huge bear with a minigun… Just watch the trailer and see for yourself how amazing this is!”.
ComicbookВ this film, the four main characters – one of whom, as was to be expected on the Russian superhero movie, a huge bear with a gun”.
“The defenders”. Teaser trailer in English
Who says only Marvel and DC can make movies about teams of superheroes? In 2017, the screens will be released Russian film about people with unusual abilities. Judging by the trailer, the picture is waiting for us deeper than just a story battle with a bad guy.
BlastrВ the moment, it is unknown whether the “Defenders” released on American screens, but I hope it happens, because I think we can expect lots of mindless fun”.
“The defenders”. Video about the filming of the movie
Den of of GeekНа first glance, the trailer for “the Defenders” a lot of elements reminiscent of the Marvel cinematic universe. It is possible that the film will repeat the success of the “Park story”, like that presented Joss Whedon in “the Avengers”. The ensemble of superheroes could be described as “Winter Sticks”, “Bane without a mask”, “Soviet sue Storm”, “Man-giant-fist. But the most notable of them… Bear in pants!”
“The defenders”. Teaser trailer

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