Home / Photo report / Artist paints lifelike three-dimensional fish. Photo

Artist paints lifelike three-dimensional fish. Photo

Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. ФотоEveryone who first sees these works, I think the pictures are.

Singaporean artist Keng Lai creates teetering on the brink with reality three-dimensional works of art depicting inhabitants of the underwater world.

Stunning 3D effect master reaches through the epoxy, acrylic paint and a phenomenal sense of perspective.

The technique, which employs, Keng Lai borrowed from Japanese artist Riusuke, Fukahori (Riusuke Fukahori, known for his talent to control the illusion and perspective.

But the Singaporean did not stop at the classical approach, his inspiration and went on, made the representatives of the water world to act above the resin surface.

This is not just another three-dimensional painting, the depth of which can be seen under a certain angle, it’s more of a sculpture, written with acrylic paints.

The process of creating volumetric masterpieces long and laborious Keng Lai slowly fills with plates, bowls, buckets or small boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and epoxy that may be applied many times to achieve a satisfactory effect.

Full time job needs maximum patience and attention to detail, as all image elements must be carefully applied and dried layer by layer. In each work the author spends a huge amount of time – on average a month of daily work.

With a three-dimensional painting by Keng Lai met in 2012. At that time in his 48 years he had a degree in graphic design, experience and art Director in advertising and create their own company, but that its development is not over.

Kang once saw a video Ryusuke, Fukari, where he worked miracles with paint and resin, and decided to repeat the feats of the Japanese. Initially, all of his illustrations were “flat” and depth to the image attached ordinary layering acrylic and resin.

In 2013, the artist began to wonder whether he can raise his technique to a higher level and began to experiment with the possibilities of hyperrealistic painting, adding in the thickness of the varnish three-dimensional objects. So one day he included in his compositions, depicting an octopus and a goldfish, an ordinary small stones, and as the shell for the turtles used egg shells.

Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото
Художник рисует реалистичных трехмерных рыб. Фото

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