Home / Sports / Artificial intelligence defeated the world champion in the game in th

Artificial intelligence defeated the world champion in the game in th

Искусственный интеллект победил чемпиона мира по игре в го

Program AlphaGo won the first of a series of games against one of the strongest masters th — Korean Lee Sedalia (second in the world by number of international titles). It is reported by Gizmodo.

The competition is held from 9 to 13 March. Every day artificial intelligence and Whether SEDOL fight once. YouTube will broadcast games live.

According to DeepMind’s employees (the company-developer AlphaGo), the program, despite the small errors, confidently beat the champion.

Logical Board game, originated in Ancient China, is considered the “hard nut” for artificial intelligence — due to the large size of the Board and difficulties in predicting moves.

There are two players: one player gets the black stones, the other white. The goal of opponents is to isolate on the game Board with stones of his color more territory than the opponent. The best programs still reach only to the level of Amateur players.

AlphaGo program developed by Google-owned DeepMind company, uses the so-called network values to estimate the position of the pieces on the Board and the network rules for selecting moves. These neural networks are studying the game, analyzing the major parties, as well as through trial and error, playing alone.

AlphaGo beat other programs in 99.8 per cent of the parties and achieved superiority over the European champion for the game of go (with a score of five to zero) without any handicap.

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