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Arrhythmia: how dangerous abnormal heart rhythm

Аритмия: чем опасно нарушение сердечного ритмаHeart rhythm disturbance is a consequence of other serious problems in the body.

Scientists from Oxford University analyzed data from 104 studies involving more than 9 million people.

About 590000 volunteers suffered from atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). The analysis showed that arrhythmia was closely associated with heart attacks, heart failure, chronic kidney disease and sudden cardiac death.

The risk of heart failure in participants with atrial fibrillation was increased most strongly (about 5 times). Also, the atrial fibrillation has twice increased the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and the probability of stroke by 2-3 times. Another arrhythmia increased the risk of death for any reason, increased medical costs and reduced quality of life.

By the way, people with the arrhythmia more likely to die in car accidents. It was discovered by researchers from the Mayo Clinic analyzed the data as 3 million drivers, passengers and other people are hospitalized after an accident in the period from 2003 to 2012. Atrial fibrillation was 2.6% of the victims in the accident.

The study showed that mortality was higher among those with arrhythmias compared to people not suffering from it (7.6% versus 2.6 percent). After taking into account such factors as age, gender, injury severity and current health problems, the risk of dying in the hospital after the accident in patients with arrhythmia were still elevated 1.5 times.

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