Home / Medicine / Aronia helps with pressure and anemia

Aronia helps with pressure and anemia

Черноплодная рябина поможет при давлении и малокровииDoctors recommend to pay attention to the incredibly useful berry — chokeberry because it is enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Black chokeberry is a medicinal plant, so is often used as a complementary healing agent in the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood, vascular and immune systems. People Aronia underestimated, and because many lose the ability to take care of your health, not throwing to the winds of time and money.

In some cases, Aronia can help a person to improve health:

1. A lowered immunity. If you are sick and contagious of all viruses that can, increase the protective function of the organism is possible by means of this berry. The ash contains a lot of vitamin C. you just Need to eat them every day, especially in the period when the winter is approaching and summer vegetables, fruits and berries disappear from store shelves.

2. Anemia. The fruits of Aronia contain iron and vitamin P, which helps to seal blood vessels and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia can be consumed Rowan fresh, cook with her jelly, add berries to fruit desserts, just grind with sugar or honey, etc.

3. Hypertension. People suffering from high blood pressure, doctors recommend to regularly lean on chokeberry. The fact is that this berry is composed of components such as potassium and magnesium, and they, in turn, strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalize the blood pressure.

4. Beriberi. The phenomenon manifests itself first in the appearance of a man, and dealing with it will help again, Aronia enriched with vitamins that have a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails.

5. Problems with the thyroid. The fruits of Aronia contains iodine, and the amount is several times higher than in other berries.

6. Blurred vision. If you have noticed that became worse to see, you need not only to go on reception to the ophthalmologist, but also to — to lay to chokeberry. In it, as in blueberries, contains a lot of vitamin A, helpful for eye and vision in General.

7. The failure of the digestive system. Chokeberry contains fiber, thanks to which improves the digestion, accelerates the metabolism, and excreted from the intestine of toxic substances.

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