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And no fish, and fishing rods taken away

And, more importantly, what to catch at the “bottom of the crisis”

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The state, judging by recent statements by members of government, there is not enough money for all social obligations. You’ll have to cut where it hurts — medicine, education, science. But the consequences of such savings were not pitiable, you need a quality reform of the public administration. That is, the creation of the state, which “lacks”. Citizens — watchful vigilance over their actions. Business inspections, regulation and new rules.


Sometimes it seems that the three branches of government in the crisis of Russia — not of the Executive, legislative and judicial, financial, and political power.

Financiers endlessly prowl in order to optimize. PR at this time explain to citizens why, despite the fact that “no money”, Russia is every day becoming greater. Well, the security forces, of course, provide the whole process support.

In fact, financial power, represented by the Ministry of Finance, you can now rename in accounting because of its functionality, by and large, is to reduce the debit with the credit.

Stakeholders and agencies have to cope with reduced funding how can anyone, in the extent of his lobbying of art. So obviously scandalous project of Ministry of education to reduce the number of budget places in universities nearly doubled, and fire a few thousand scientists (the existence of which office, however, officially denied) looks more like an attempt to negotiate yourself a better deal. Again, in our conditions, thus to retain more money.

The last two years of crisis have left the country on expectations that “will resolve itself”, that “the rebound in plus the inevitable” that oil is the “fair price”.

Went to a fascinating attempt to define our geographical position: whether we are “at the peak of the crisis”, whether “in the eye of the storm”, or, finally, in the “fragile day.” But that’s just Monday Higher school of Economics is one of the main think-tank of the country — stated that the bottom was another knock is that our economy has managed to slip and the proverbial “bottom” and moved on to new, so to speak, horizons.

“He completed only the first, the most acute phase of adjustment of the economy to the “new normal” economy again began to contract, breaking the “bottom”. And GDP, which characterizes the production of the economy as a whole, struck the “bottom” in the first quarter of 2016, and in the second quarter, according to our estimates, was 1.4% below the “bottom” and 5.5% below average in 2014″, — is spoken in the report prepared by the HSE.

Hope for a speedy restoration of growth economists have no. Comes the understanding that will not resolve itself. And agencies are still haggling over the remains of budget funds.

On year the reserve Fund. Another year — the Fund of national property.

Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko, meanwhile, warns: “If nothing changes, by the end of next year we will not have reserves nor the ability to pay wages. Our economy on this scale in which there are now, not respond to our commitments, which we gathered and which we are obliged to obey.”

So, either withdraw from the obligations, or to change the structure and quality of the economy. And somehow think that it will be chosen the first path, which will be presented as the second, that is, as a reform — PR in a difficult moment always helping hand to the accountants.

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One after the other will sound bold, progressive, very liberal ideas about the refusal of free medicine in favor of new innovation models, new forms of organization of higher education, something else is very modern.

To withdraw money from the population loudly and directly, such as increasing income tax or introducing a progressive scale for the state is too risky, so certainly will seek workarounds.

The process will be accompanied by redistribution, but rather concentration, means within the ruling elite sample of the recent searches at the head of the Federal customs service. So the people had no doubt: the rich and powerful also cry.

But a genuinely liberal reforms, memories of which will scare the next generation of citizens, is not confined to the shifting of financial responsibility on the shoulders of citizens and the landings of individual officials. It is primarily a creation of the state, which “lacks”. Citizens — watchful vigilance over their actions. Business inspections, regulation and new rules.

In the end, higher education is really possible to make almost or completely paid. But then the universities should become independent from the state, with its own requirements and, sad to say. And to assess their quality needs are not high inspection authorities, and the citizens of their own labor ruble.

But such dissent our government will not allow. It will make, on the one hand, citizens pay for itself and at the same time, the other will retain the right to decide what to spend the money.

Against this backdrop, even the Cabinet of Yevgeny Primakov, who at the time was called almost socialist, will find a sample of progressive thinking. The then Minister was accused that they have not developed an economic strategy and not introduced to the state Duma proposals for tax reform. As a result of work — industrial production in the country eight months after the default of 1998 grew 23%, inflation has decreased from 38 to 3%.

Today, the state seems to be behaving the same way, without resorting to radical ideas. And the result is a breakout of the next bottom. The difference is that in recent years the lives of citizens and the work of the business was over-regulated to such an extent that they themselves just don’t swim out of the crisis swamps.

The state does not have for its citizens neither fish nor desire to give a fishing rod, or rather to allow her to use it.

The more independent “fishermen” (universities, companies), the higher political risks. In this context, it is clear why we are talking about cuts in public spending on education and science.

The less educated and critical thinking, the easier it is to work the PR. For the rest there is the security forces.

The only thing under such conditions, to achieve not exactly succeed, it’s victory in the notorious global competition, which is now gaining it at the expense of openness and the encouragement of personal initiative. But more will come creeping archaism of our society, the more likely that it simply doesn’t know about.

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