On the website Airbnb published a proposal to rent the island for $ 126 per day. According to The sun, it is located in the province of Ontario in Canada.
Tourists are offered to stay in a wooden house for six people, which is on an island the size of 91 by 18 metres. During leisure guests can go Canoeing or relax on the limestone beach.
Another presented on Airbnb, the island is located in Maine (USA). For 152 dollars per night, it features — spacious house, unlimited Internet and tackle for fishing.
The Telegraph also advises tourists to pay attention to the island, located in the Colombian Cartagena. For just $ 264 per night you can stay in the Villa area of 929 square meters. The house has air conditioning, but guests are warned that the electrical generator operates only at night.
On the website Airbnb appear frequently unusual options for placement. So, tourists can stay in the house that looks like a bubble in the car for sheep or apartment in the cave. In addition, in 2015, fans of unusual holiday could celebrate Halloween in the catacombs of Paris.