Home / Policy / Agency Xinhua: U.S. “obsessed” about the incident with su-24 in the Baltic sea

Agency Xinhua: U.S. “obsessed” about the incident with su-24 in the Baltic sea

As You know, the Chinese could not pass up the scandal, which has raised the United States of America, regarding passage over their destroyer, the Russian aircraft because it is a sensitive topic for them in relations with America.

Агентство Xinhua: США "мелочатся" по поводу инцидента с Су-24 на Балтике

They commented on it with wicked sarcasm: do not approach the Russian borders, and no one will fly over your ships, hinting, thus, the US, and in the South China sea Americans expect at least a “friendly” reception from the Chinese side.

According to Agency Xinhua, the Americans deliberately “inflated”the story of “simulated attacks” of Russian aircraft on the USS Donald cook, and the accusations against Russia, which Washington has strenuously insist in their controlled media, “far-fetched”.

And some Chinese publications (Global Times) do not hide their Schadenfreude, relishing how the pilots of two Russian aircraft flew over an American warship, demonstrating high professional skills in conducting extremely dangerous maneuvers in a demeaning manner, thus, arrogant Americans: “the United States must be furious”.

In short, in Beijing enthusiastically embraced the behavior of the Russian military pilots (after all, the Chinese are similarly pressed by the Americans), and the resentment of the Americans on this account called“petty”that “suggest some reflections”.

What is the Chinese view of the “pettiness” of Americans?

In the first place that they, not the Russians, raised the noise due to the standard situation in international waters where American ships can FLOAT, AS you WISH, and Russian planes can FLY AS THEY PLEASE.

What the US saw the problem? It’s not the Russian warships cruising off the coast of America, but rather America’s “pinned” thousands of miles away from their shores in a zone of Russian interests – came, so receive in full and there is nothing “grandma rough”…

Therefore, the Chinese Agency in his message focuses on the fact that the United States, having published the first information aboutthe”simulation attack”, once again decided to show to the world that actions of Moscow in the Baltic sea “undermine stability in the European region”. And for this reason there is a Russian-American confrontation.

In this regard, America deliberately “exaggerates” the story “simulated attack” Russian bombers. After all, it is unprofitable to follow the improving relations with Russia, Moscow is again closer to the EU. But if in Europe something is happening, it is immediately reflected on Russian-European relations.

A direct proof of the correctness of the Chinese assessment can be reakcia Poland on this incident: it turns out that the poles perceived “attack” on an American destroyer and a to your account. The basis for such conclusions was the fact of being on Board the “Donald cook” the Polish helicopter, which due to the “pampering”of the Russian pilots failed to perform assigned him the task: We are not able to treat this otherwise than as a provocation and as another manifestation of aggressive intentions against NATO, against the United States and in Poland [Anthony Macierewicz, the Minister of defence of Poland].

And in Europe everyone knows if “European hyena” said “woof!”, it means that for such actions it has already received the go-ahead from Washington…

So, in conclusion, I wish to quote the words of the honored test pilot of the USSR, Hero of Russia Colonel Anatoly Kvochur, have rotarypercussion the actions of the Russian drivers: “Because they went with a straight wing is a wing for cruising flight and landing — it is obvious that the speed was small. If they folded the wing up to maximum sweep, it would be possible to fly at speeds up to 1300-1400 km/h, leading to serious cotton because supersonic speed pulls a so-called shock and a wave of such pulls. This wave may lead to the destruction of some labouriously structures, such as antennas, and on the ground can lead to the destruction of small buildings… IF the PILOT did THIS MANEUVER with INITIATIVE, BASED on PATRIOTIC AND PROFESSIONAL REASONS, THERE is the CASE of COMMANDER, BUT I’D ENCOURAGE FOR your PROFESSIONALISM…”

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