Home / Business / According to rumors, Olga Buzova went from Dmitry Tarasov for his infidelities

According to rumors, Olga Buzova went from Dmitry Tarasov for his infidelities


Rumors that relations Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, not everything went smoothly, confirmed. The first alarm sounded, the fans of the TV presenter, who noticed that she no longer publishes in Instagram pictures with her husband, and after he Tarasov intimated that he and Olga broke up.


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Wife no longer wearing a wedding ring and live separately. What was the cause of the conflict, the couple does not say, however, fans have their opinions about it. In the Network there are rumors that Buzova left her husband because of his infidelities.

According to an anonymous user, Tarasov often spent time with the girls behind the couple: “I know One thing. When she did, he brought her and this time punched available employees on “off”. Type rest. The women — understand why, but the men of the company were offered to be cheaper.”

How reliable is this information, it is difficult to judge. However, this is not the first rumors about the dissolute lifestyle of the athlete.

Apparently, for a beautiful screen to be perfect was hiding a serious problem. Now Instagram is in your romantic photo with her husband Olga publishes the sad posts about betrayal and pain.

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов расстались

Первыми о проблемах в семье телеведущей узнали ее поклонники

Телеведущая больше не публикует в Instagram романтичные снимки с мужем

По слухам, Ольга ушла от мужа из-за его измен

Супруги состоят в браке почти пять лет

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники с нетерпением ждали, когда же у пары появятся дети

Развод Ольги и Дмитрия несколько лет назад предсказала экстрасенс Джулия Ванг

Супруги больше не носят обручальные кольца

Ольга съехала на съемную квартиру

Еще недавно телеведущая хвасталась дорогими подарками от мужа

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники умоляют пару помириться

Ольга Бузова

Дмитрий Тарасов и Ольга Бузова Фото: instagram.com

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