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Abandoned places, in which you can shoot horror movies. Photo

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото Here scary, but very interesting.

When viewing horror movies, we sometimes wonder what we would do if you woke up in one of these creepy abandoned places. Some abandoned and creepy places you can visit, just like the photographers who took these photos. A list of the most terrifying and abandoned places in the world that you might not know.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

The old Jewish cemetery in Prague.
This cemetery back in the 15th century was full and the dead were buried by layers one above the other. Only at the cemetery about 12 thousand tombstones, but still about 90 thousand graves are underground.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

The Hill Of Crosses, Lithuania.
Despite the fact that this place gathers pilgrims from all over the world, it looks creepy, especially at night. Only the cemetery consists of about 100 thousand crosses.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

City hall.
This subway station was closed in 1945. In new York it is considered to be one of the most horrible.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Abandoned subway tunnel in Kiev.
You will not help Kiev map, if you want to find this place. To take you through abandoned tunnels may be the only professional diggers.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

San Zhi, Taiwan
These beautiful colorful houses in San Zhi was intended for the residence of American military agents. However, in 1980, was closed and the project of building the houses was frozen.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Hashima Island, Japan.
Hashima island or Island the Ghost looks like a camp of zombies. The island lived coal mining, but as soon as the industry went into decline, people were forced to leave this place.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Ruins of Gulliver’s Kingdom, Japan.
This theme Park was opened in 1997 to be abandoned 10 years later.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Abandoned military hospital in Beelitz, Germany.
Beelitz-Heilstätten hospital complex in Beelitz, which remains one of the most mysterious historic medical institutions. It was treated Adolf Hitler.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Object 825ГТС — an Abandoned submarine base in Balaklava, Ukraine.
This abandoned submarine base in Ukraine was one of the most top secret objects of the Soviet Union. Currently, the base became a Museum.

Заброшенные места, в которых можно снимать фильмы ужасов. Фото

Hotel Salto, Colombia.
Look at this frightening place. Fog, moss green, old abandoned building nothing resembling a hotel. However, this former hotel closed in the early 90’s and became a Museum in 2012.

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