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A monument to Mazepa in Ukraine: what kind of power are heroes

Памятник Мазепе на Украине: какая власть, такие и герои

The great philosopher of our time, Viktor Chernomyrdin once said: “What kind of party we are building no — you still get the CPSU”.

If Chernomyrdin, several years worked as the Ambassador in Kiev, has lived up to the time of the Maidan and the power of the Maidan, he certainly gave us a lot of new aphorisms. For example, about the fact that whichever monument Maidana power any set — still turns Mazeppa.

It sounds like a joke, but it’s not a joke: tomorrow, may 7, in the Poltava the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will unveil a monument to Hetman Mazepa.

Most carriers of Russian culture Hetman known for his poem “Poltava” by Alexander Pushkin. A great writer, of course, creatively redefined the image of Mazepa.

“But the fact remains: Hetman changed ally (Peter I) in order to obtain possession of a small unit (little Russia), and he hatched this plan many years in advance and agreed on the role of a slave. In Russian all of this has one name: treason.”

“What it sounds like in the language of the Maidan? Something like this: Hetman fought for the independence of the country, the ends justify the means, then, Hetman — hero.”

It’s hard not to notice Parallels with modern history. Political Mazepa Maidan and in our days, ready for any betrayal, betrayal and war on their land, if only overseas but not Russian!) boss assigned them here main.

Few people know that in Ukraine there is an official state award — the cross of Ivan Mazepa. It is given for outstanding achievement. As of today, this medal was awarded 69 people, including Filaret, head of the self-proclaimed and not recognized by other Orthodox, UOC-KP. Another one of the numerous Mazeppa Maidan power: traitor to the genuine and native (Orthodoxy) for the sake of personal power.

Another interesting story associated with Mazepa and orders, has occurred somewhat earlier, in the early 18th century. When Peter was finally convinced that the Hetman a traitor, he was ordered to produce one copy of a memorial sign — the order of Judah — especially for Mazepa. Today the Emperor would need more copies.

In different years the Ukrainian government has appeared and plans to put a monument to Hetman. Viktor Yushchenko came up with the idea to erect a monument right on the field of Poltava battle near the monument to Peter.

And the symbol of who?

Many observers continue to wonder why the Maidan government of Ukraine with such consistency chooses as symbols of identity of their country exclusively abomination or meaninglessness, then Bandera, then shirts, then Mazepa.

The answer to this question is quite simple. They simply had no alternative, because truly great people who were born and lived in these parts, not galloping. In the sense that they were themselves considered themselves part of Russian culture.

“It is impossible to choose as their symbol of a native city of Kiev of Mikhail Bulgakov, who wrote the novel “the White guard” here’s the line: “you Bastard, he — hatred continued Turbin — because he himself does not speak the language! Huh?”

“Day before yesterday I asked this rascal, Dr. Koreckogo it, if you please to see forgotten how to speak Russian since November last year. Was Kuritsko and became kuritsky… So I ask: what’s the Ukrainian word “cat”? He says “kit”. Ask: “what whale?” But he stopped, stared and silent. And I do not bow”.”

Even worse, by a native of Poltava province Nikolai Gogol: “my Thoughts, my name, my work will belong to Russia”. However, in some modern translations of his books into the Ukrainian language publishers to change the word “Russian” and all its derivatives to the word “Ukrainian” or “Cossack”.

“But this quotation is difficult to change: “We need to write in Russian, we should strive to support and strengthen one, the master’s language for all native us tribes. The dominant feature of Russian, Czechs, Ukrainians and Serbs should be a single relic — the language of Pushkin, which is the gospel for all Christians, Catholics, Lutherans and herrnhuters”.”

And here is what a native of Kiev province — the world-famous philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev: “the Ukrainian separatist movement is the most restless and the most shocking fact in the embezzlement and the tearing of Russia, which is happening now. Ukrainian national self-determination has always been by nature excessively bloated provincialism…

The Ukrainian people is inseparable part of Russia. There is a single Russian nation, a United great Russia, one Russian state… Ukrainian separatism is a betrayal of the Russian idea in the world, cheating Russian culture, the past betrayal of the nation and its great future in the name of fine feelings generated by temporary conditions.”

Against the Russian

The examples could go on. Their similarity means one thing: a necessary component of great personality, born on this earth, was the affiliation to the Russian culture. Just because it’s the natural order of things. The unnatural order of things can produce no great thinker or artist. Unnatural can only produce zombies. What we are seeing.

“Needless to say, if the main symbol of Ukraine — Taras Shevchenko — by the standards of European literature is not even second-rate and third-rate poet. (This assessment was shared by Nikolai Gogol). Not better things with the present. Whom to choose a symbol? Someone of famous Ukrainians? The Klitschko Brothers? Andriy Shevchenko? Activists of the movement Femen?”

But the Klitschko brothers — the pupils of the Soviet sports school. Shevchenko in 2004 campaigned for Yanukovych against Yushchenko. Femen, from a policy perspective, a perfect fit, but not fit for other reasons. To make your character narcissistic hysterical fools will, of course, sincerely and self-critical, but the image improvement will not result.

In General, when tomorrow Petro Poroshenko will open a monument to a man who lied, betrayed, was ready to swear allegiance to the enemy of their friend for their own personal gain, which for justification of their proprietary and treacherous action to invent a new identity, which was defeated, fled and died in exile, — this will be the most proper monument to the power of the Maidan.

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