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A little bit about the goats

I’m not an expert theologian and belong to the Orthodox faith more by birth than by spiritual impulse.

But, nevertheless, being naturally inquisitive person, from time to time reading literature on religious themes, not to be full of “boots” in this area.

To apply to this topic, made me an article published by NBC “Russians Insult Barack Obama by Naming After Him the Black Goat” (“they called it a black goat in honor of Barack Obama”).

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Beautiful! Isn’t this similar to Obama? The Spitting Image Of Barack…

The Americans I once again surprised. Why are they so offended that some Russian jokers thus “promoting” the name of their President? Besides, before take offense, it would be nice to understand not only some of the features of the Russian mentality, but in General that, in fact, the word “asshole” means in our language (and then, not choose for the President the Negro and no one to chuckle over it won’t be that way!)

Because if you follow the logic of Americans, all males, bearing the name of Basil, have to be “hard” offended the owners of cats with the same names. I wonder how to call US dogs and cats? Do not like in Russia?

So, what is so bad about the black goat for the American President saw journalists from NBC?

The whole point of claims is as follows. In the seaside Safari-Park, which is home to the world famous tiger Amur Timur and goat (Timorem all over the world need to sue?), there is a new inhabitant of “exotic animal” [NBC], black goat named Obama.

While not surprising, is it? We are all and without it knew that Obama’s an asshole! Just a simple statement of fact…

But here’s the explanation from NBC about the “namesake” Obama, raises certain questions. The fact is that American journalists explain the reason why a black goat was named in honor of their President in the following way. They say that it [the word “goat” in Russian language is “an INSULT, WHICH is CALLED STUPID, UNCONTROLLABLE AND OBSTINATE PEOPLE”.

Wow! The first time I hear such an interpretation of the word “goat” in Russian language! Or am I behind the times? And You, dear friends, think so too?

Before reading this article, I believed that the word “goat” in Russian is synonymous with the expression “you’re wrong”. And the definition that he gave American journalists, more suited to the word “sheep” or “goat.” For the same?

Let’s talk a little bit on the topic, where did “have went” is an expression. Of course, I lay out my personal point of view.

So, the “legs” of the expression “grow” from the Bible: “31 When the Son of man comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory. 32 Before Him shall be gathered all Nations and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 Sheep He will gather on his right side and the goats on his left” (Matthew 25:31-46).

That is, the Son of man will divide people into sinners and sinless: wrong and right. Apparently, the expression “to go left” also appeared, thanks to the biblical dictum.

Maybe on criminal slang is something similar to the definition of the word given by the Americans? Here is what I found on the Internet: “the Goat is the representative of the group in an informal hierarchy of prisoners, formed on the basis of: open collaboration (present and past) with the administration of the ITA”.

So the expression “black goat of Obama” in Russian means only one thing: “the Negro Obama, you are wrong!” In one word, ASSHOLE! And there’s no nothing personal or offensive…

So, do not p****those, gentlemen, Americans! (incidentally, the word “p****Ty” means – “giving false information”…

Or am I wrong? )))


My another paper on the same topic:

The West and Russia react differently to “black humor” in relation to each other

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