Home / World / A large-scale accident in Switzerland was encountered 4 cars, the truck and the Polish bus

A large-scale accident in Switzerland was encountered 4 cars, the truck and the Polish bus

Масштабное ДТП в Швейцарии: столкнулись 4 авто, фура и польский автобусThe accident occurred in the tunnel Faesenstaub.

In Switzerland as a result of collision four cars, a truck and bus killed one person, another 11 were injured. The accident occurred in the tunnel Faesenstaub near the town of Schaffhausen in the North of the country.

According to rescuers, some participants in the accident received serious injuries. The cause of the accident is not established.

The bus got in an accident, followed from Poland. As writes the edition, the only victim was a pole.

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