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A bit of cynicism does not hurt

Немного цинизма не помешает

Recently came across one very interesting article…

Can be written it is slightly cynical, but very reliable, in my opinion. Particularly amused by the following paragraph….

And Yes, that many Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the Crimean situation/the situation in the Donbas and expressed in this regard is puzzling. Guys, now I’ll explain everything from a purely American point of view, and you realize that you were completely wrong. And this is no joke and not a hoax. Seriously. Just remember: constantly voiced figure of $ 150 billion that Russia burst into the Ukraine? No, you remember? And, are you saying that we should not forget about these money? Are you serious?

You’re so vain, Oh vain… Try Americans to “lower” 150 “lard”, and then say that it was. Soon a “romantic encounter” with a MOP handle. No, gentlemen, we don’t just leave. Alas, such money is not so easy to break up. So Putin’s actions are to protect the investment. No more and no less. The Orthodoxy of the Kyiv dome… do Not carry snowstorm, really ashamed. You took the money, and just so we’re not split up. Pure business, no Bolshevism.

Very instructive material when it comes to trying to understand the motives of the actions of our Western partners, and our ruling “elites” too.

German Archers

The article is enlightening, but I disagree with the author. The Americans already scored across the globe with his “Outlook on life”, simple as a rake: to deceive the natives, and bartering they have available natural resources, while offering glass beads, firewater, and democracy. If the first two items for exchange can even touch it, that “democracy” thing intangible, which greatly reduces the process of “exchange” with the natives.

The problem is that previously robbed the natives do not much like the media of progressive views, and the new natives are not willing to change, we have to impose “democracy” by force, dumping their heads in a concentrated form. Then for every bomb the democratic bill. In Afghanistan and Syria, the concept of exchange “American democracy” on local natural resources has failed, a similar situation is imminent in Iraq.

In Ukraine, American money is invested not a few, but they are not invested in companies, unlike the Russian money, and the imposition of democracy itself. Initially, the promotion of democracy in the square was conceived on a reimbursable basis for consumers, but something went wrong and it seems that the democratizers again lost money, having to Rob “demokratisierung” the country only partially, and arise periodically talk about the return of Yatsenyuk…


Secret of profits from the spread of democracy, too, is simple and unpretentious: the cost of “democratic bombing” at the expense of American taxpayers, and profits – private corporations. Taxpayers this “financial success” thieving heads of state already in the throat. Hopefully, the new Republican US administration will hold an uncompromising campaign against corruption in the ranks of its competitors.


In terms of achieving “success” to the level of “throat to taxpayers”, our governors are not lagging behind their Western teachers. Elections in September will be a revelation for the party in power, even if their results podkorrektirovatj”.

Tatiana Volkova

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