Home / Culture / New coach “Svajena Malevich” disgraced his players

New coach “Svajena Malevich” disgraced his players

Новый тренер «Зважених та щасливих» опозорила своих подопечныхMarina Uzelkov has shared a video which showed the living conditions of the dieters participating in the project.

Already shooting a new season of the show, “she zvazheni schaslivi”, where the participants will be divided into two teams: 1 — boys, 2 girls. To coach the women’s team will be Marina Uzelkov, and the men in her husband Vyacheslav Uzelkov. Before the start of the translation project remained little more than one month, but the audience can not wait, when they provide the opportunity to meet you in absentia with the participants who are losing weight with the professionals under the gun cameras and all Ukraine.

Marina Uzelkov has become a new fitness coach in Svajena Malevich” and above all, it will not only help the women in the show, but also to compete with your spouse. She decided to warm up the audience and show everyone what life is like for those people who came to the project, in order to lose weight and stop being lazy. Marina made a video-exclusive from Tabor, where they live, “she”, but still not quite “massiv”.

As it turned out, men are much tidier than their rivals, because their house is all clean and tidy, but in women the opposite is true — things are scattered everywhere, the mess, all lying around in a chaotic manner, in General, Uzelkov was upset by what he saw and decided to embarrass his players in the entire country.

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