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30 pieces of silver for betraying the Motherland

Solzhenitsyn. 30 pieces of silver for betraying the Motherland

Alexander Solzhenitsyn known to the reader for his works “the first circle”, “the GULAG Archipelago”, “Cancer ward,” “One day of Ivan Denisovich” and others.
And appeared in our mind of this writer, thanks to Khrushchev for which Solzhenitsyn (even in the name includes the word “lies”) became another tool to crack down with the Stalinist past.
A pioneer of “art” lies about Stalin (the personal support of Khrushchev) was elevated to the rank of Nobel laureate for literature former camp Snitch Solzhenitsyn whose books mass editions published in the period of “perestroika” at the direction of the treacherous leadership of the country to destroy the Soviet Union.
Here’s what he writes Khrushchev in his memoirs: I am proud that I supported one of the first works of Solzhenitsyn Solzhenitsyn Biography I can’t remember. I was told before that it sat for a long time in the camps. In the referenced story it came from my own observations. I read it. Heavy it leaves the impression of excitement but true. And most importantly, disgusted to what was happening under Stalin…. Stalin was a criminal, and criminals should be condemned at least morally. The strongest trial — to brand them in the artwork. Why, on the contrary, Solzhenitsyn was considered a criminal?
Why? Because the scribbler of anti-Soviet Solzhenitsyn was a rare find for the West, hastened in 1970 (though this year was not chosen by chance — the year of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin, as another attack towards USSR) unfairly awarded to the author of “Ivan Denisovich,” the Nobel prize in literature — a fact unprecedented. As Alexander Shabalov writes in the book “the Eleventh stroke of comrade Stalin, Solzhenitsyn Nobel prize begged, saying: I have this award as a stepping stone to positions in the battle! And the faster you get, the harder I become, the stronger hit!
And, indeed, the name Solzhenitsyn became the banner of the dissident movement in the Soviet Union, who played in his time a huge negative role in the elimination of the Soviet socialist system. And most of his works first saw the light “over the hill” with the support of “Radio Liberty”, the Russian Department Bi-Bi-si, voice of America, Deutsche Welle, the Russian division of the state Department, the Department of agitation and propaganda of the Pentagon, the Central information Department of the British MI.
After he did the dirty deed, he was sent back to the liberals destroyed the Russia. Because these traitors even do not need enemies. Where he brooded with a kind of “prophet” on Russian television with his “exposing” the mafia Yeltsin’s regime a “special opinion”, which nobody was interested in it and absolutely nothing could change.
For almost 20 years, the Russian liberal Ministers and officials openly in the face called Solzhenitsyn the great Russian writer. And he even had the decency never said that. Still he did not protest against the titles “twentieth century Leo Tolstoy” and “Dostoevsky in the twentieth century”. Himself Alexander Solzhenitsyn is modestly called “Antillanum”.
However, the true title of “great writer” in Russia was given only Time. And, apparently, Time has already rendered its verdict. Curiously, the life of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov is known to literary critics and historians well enough. And if they are about something argue, that for some moments.
The reader can easily know for what, when and how was subjected to government repression of our writers. When and what editions were published their books. What was the real success (marketability) of these books. What the authors have received royalties. Which means, for example, Chekhov bought a country estate of Melikhovo. Well, the life of Solzhenitsyn is scandals, outrageous, triumphs and a sea of white spots, and in the turning points of his biography.
But Solzhenitsyn in 1974, is not just anywhere, but in Switzerland, and then in April 1976 in the United States. Well, in the “free world” can not be concealed from the public and journalists. But there is a life of Solzhenitsyn is known only by fragments. Here, for example, in the summer of 1974 on the royalties from “the GULAG Archipelago”, Solzhenitsyn created the “Russian public Fund for the aid of the persecuted and their families” to help political prisoners in the USSR (parcels and money transfers to places of detention, both legal and illegal financial assistance to families of prisoners).
“Archipelago” was published with a circulation of 50 thousand copies. The Soviet media at the time joked about illiquid deposits of Solzhenitsyn’s books in the bookstores of the West. One of the secrets of Solzhenitsyn and the CIA is the ratio of sold to the number of destroyed copies of the books of Solzhenitsyn.
Okay, let’s assume that all 50 thousand were sold. But what was the fee? Unknown.
Interestingly, in the USA in the late twentieth century invented an analogue of the Soviet “Union of writers” with his Cabinet. Then there’s a writer somewhere is teaching — at universities or in training centres for aspiring writers. So is “feeding” those who write pleasing Western States and business works.
But Solzhenitsyn, in contrast to Yevtushenko and many others, never taught. However, in 1976, he purchased an expensive estate with an area of 50 acres (!) in Vermont. Together with the estate was bought by a large wooden house with furniture and other equipment. Next to Solzhenitsyn raises for the” big three storey house and a number of buildings.
Solzhenitsyn’s sons are studying in expensive private schools. Alexander Isaakovich (we will have to call it correctly) contains a large staff of servants (!) and security guards. Naturally, their number and the payment is unknown, if not secret. However, some eyewitnesses saw in his apartment in Switzerland was on duty around the clock two Champions in karate.
But maybe Solzhenitsyn helped wealthy Russian immigrants? No! On the contrary, it helps all by himself, founded the funds, contains Newspapers, such as “Our country” in Buenos Aires.
1970. Nobel prize awarded to Alexander Solzhenitsyn “For the ethical force with people drawn in the tradition of great Russian literature.”
For comparison, Mikhail Sholokhov, was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1965 received 62 thousand dollars (it is known that he spent — by equipping native of stanitsa Vyoshenskaya). That’s not even enough to buy the estate and build a house. And business Alexander Isaakovich did not seem engaged. And lived our “new Tolstoy” the Clear glade and Michael’s, but much richer than Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin. And now the school among the portraits of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky hang the portraits of Solzhenitsyn. And shall we not go even further and hang in the classroom portraits Grishka Otrepiev, Hetman Mazepa and General Vlasov (last Solzhenitsyn was considered a hero)?
Solzhenitsyn worked honestly for their 30 pieces of silver for a lie, thanks to which many Soviet people began to hate their past and with their own hands destroyed their country. People without a past — the garbage on their land. And in this situation a great responsibility taking on creative people, divisive people, preventing him to rise from the ashes. Russia need a Russian creators of new meanings, rather than voluntary workers of the landfill, digging and spreading with two piles of Russian history. Solzhenitsyn did not become so by the Creator. Not seem to understand that beating the Soviet Union, hurts the Russian people.

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