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2019 in Russia will increase insurance contributions to the HIF

С 2019 года в России увеличатся страховые взносы в ФОМС

2019 employers ‘ contributions to the mandatory health insurance Fund (HIF) will increase from 5.1% to 5.9%, according to “Vedomosti” referring to Federal officials.

Increased contributions to the HIF will bring additional revenue in the amount 182-190 billion. Need money to Fund for the implementation of the may decrees of the President of the Russian Federation about increase of salaries for medical personnel. Budget MHIF 2017-2019 approved, however, the increase of salaries to health workers is not enough 0.5 trillion roubles for three years.

Shortage of funds for 2017 is about 70.7 billion rubles, 2018 ― 196,6 billion, 2019 ― 219,5 billion. For 2017 and partly in 2018, the remaining amount the Ministry proposed to compensate for cancellation of the return transfer at 96.7 billion roubles from the FOMS to the Federal budget, which is transferred to the last day of 2016 and cannot be used in the current year.

Another variant of replenishment of the budget of the HIF is the increase in insurance premiums on wages.

Another proposal to cover the budget deficit FOMI is to be forced to pay for medical services to disabled citizens. Currently, their number amounts to 85.5 million people, including children and seniors.

According to the may decrees, in 2017, the salary of doctors should be 180% srednerynochnoj salaries of middle and Junior staff, 90% and 80% average for the region. By 2020, it is expected to grow to 200%, 100%, 100% srednerynochnoj respectively.

Easier to postpone the may decrees

The government should be the most simple way, closing the hole in the budget by increasing the burden on business. Much more difficult to take measures to increase salaries without increasing contributions to the HIF, said Alexandra Suslina of the Economic expert group. The most competent in this situation will delay the execution of the may decrees.

“Business and investors already reeling from discussions about changing tax environment ― we need stability,” said the co-Chairman of “Business Russia” Anton Danilov-Danilyan.

For the postponement of the may decrees was made by the Chairman of the CSR Alexei Kudrin. According to him, to perform the may decrees of the payroll across the country is expected to increase by 500-800 billion rubles. It threatens the reduction of expenses for purchase of medicines and repair of schools, he said.

According to the economist-regional studies specialist Natalia Zubarevich, the necessary postponement of the decrees, or “the budgets of the regions will collapse.”

Wage growth by reducing

After 2012, instead of the promised the workers higher wages in Russia began optimization of the healthcare industry, which resulted in the reduction of hospitals, medical personnel and redistribution of wages among the remaining health workers. Under the reduction were 90 thousand people. The closure of a number of hospitals and rural clinics has led to the fact that 11 thousand settlements were practically without medical assistance. “Ambulance” from the surrounding points gets to them at least 60 minutes.

“Optimization of medical institutions in Russia led to a rise in mortality of patients of city and municipal hospitals by 2.6% on average in the country,” concluded the chamber.

Reduction in related fields

In 2017 the government plans to cut health care costs by 33% to 362 billion roubles.

A third with 17.5 billion to 6.1 billion rubles to be reduced costs for the program “health of the mother and child” in 2017-2019. The program covers the rehabilitation of disabled children, reducing child mortality, prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child. Savings on program impact in the future on the treatment of infected children with expensive drugs, experts say.

In addition, it is expected to freeze the annual indexation of the parent capital till 2020. The corresponding project is prepared Ministry of labor. The last indexation of the parent capital 5.5% was held in 2015. Now its size is 453 026 rubles.

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