Home / Business / 16-year-old daughter Larisa Guzeeva openly talked about the relationship with my mother

16-year-old daughter Larisa Guzeeva openly talked about the relationship with my mother

Actress and host of “let’s get married!” Larisa Guzeeva regularly indulges followers on Instagram with pictures of their children: 25-year-old son George from his second marriage with Kakha Tolordava and a 16-year-old daughter Olga from a third husband, the President of the Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers of Russia Igor Bukharov.


However, his relations with the heirs of a celebrity says little. To shed light on this question decided the minor daughter of the artist, who openly spoke about himself and dealing with his stellar mom.


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Girl this year graduated from high school, but the UNIVERSITY does not received. The reason for this decision she called laziness. “I’ll be honest — I’m very lazy, and my memory is like a sieve. For admission to the graduate school of design had to hand over the literature. I forgot about it and wrote Russian, maths and English. The family Council decided that I will do in a year, and from September will go to the courses of communication design and contemporary art”, — quotes the heiress of a actress website Starhit.ru.

Olga brother

As it turned out, the healer blames the daughter for this decision. According to her, laziness is a sign of intelligence and that Olga decided to take a break before entering University, she nothing sees.

In addition, she admitted that her mother trust and it is nothing to hide. “She doesn’t like when she is not telling or lying. I stole her handkerchief and hid behind the battery. Mother nearly went crazy, looking for it, thought it was stolen… Then a handkerchief found, the fraud was discovered. I do not remember what words she explained to me that you can’t do that, but since I’m trying not to lie”, — said the daughter Guzeeva.

Olga with her grandmother

Her words confirmed herself Larissa, saying he did not tolerate when she is lying or not keeping promises. TV presenter admitted that to all the other misdemeanours she may close his eyes, but a lie it is “like a red rag to a bull”.

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