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10 most polluted places on Earth. Photo

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. ФотоA list of the most polluted places on the planet in our current collection.

To kill the environment, not necessarily to build a nuclear power plant. Basically, hot spots become industrial areas in developing countries, producing such seemingly “normal” substances, such as aluminium, rubber and various pesticides.

However, the ecology and life of people in these regions suffered irreparable damage. Drinking water there contains the entire periodic table, and the risk of cancer increases by 50%.

To describe the General situation, is not another definition but environmental hell. With the settlements and specific places where the level of pollution exceeds all acceptable and unacceptable level, we will introduce you further.

Agbogbloshie, Ghana – waste of electronics.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

A large part of discarded electronics ended up in this dump in Agbogbloshie. In this place of lead so much that it has become a serious problem. A lead level exceeds the norm by 45 times, and in this dump working people.

Norilsk, Russia – mining.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

Founded in 1935, Norilsk is a list of the most polluted cities in the world. Metallurgical factories throw into the air tons of copper and Nickel, which causes diseases such as lung cancer.

The Niger Delta, Nigeria – the oil spill.

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Every day in the Niger river fall thousands of barrels of oil. From 1976 to 2001 was about 7,000 cases a strong oil spill in the river. These spills have poisoned the entire river and polluting the air with strong carcinogenic, causing cancer and infertility.

The Matanza-Riachuelo, Argentina – industrial pollution.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

About 15,000 companies dump their waste into the river Matanza-Riachuelo. And living here people are forced to drink this water. It is with the water pollution attributed the high incidence of diarrhoea, cancer and respiratory diseases in the area.

Hazaribagh, Bangladesh — hexavalent chromium.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

95% of the skin excrete in Bangladesh in the district of Hazaribagh. That is where the tannery dump, where every day translates to 22,000 cubic liters of toxic chemical substances. Residents of the area suffer from respiratory and skin diseases, chemical burns, nausea and rash.

River basin Citarum, Indonesia – industrial pollution.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

The level of lead in the river Citarum 1000 times higher than normal. Also there is a lot of manganese, iron and aluminum. The river was polluted due to industrial emissions.

Dzerzhinsk, Russia – chemical production.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

300,000 tons of hazardous chemical wastes poison the Dzerzhinsk since 1930. The city got into the Guinness Book of records as the most toxic city on the planet in 2007. Fences water showed levels of dioxins and phenols in excess of 1,000 times the norm. According to the survey results of 2006, average life expectancy in Dzerzhinsk 47 years for women and 42 years for men.

Chernobyl, Ukraine – nuclear accident was the worst.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

The worst nuclear disaster in human history. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant produced radioactive release 100 times the radiation from the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is believed that the accident caused at least 4000 cases of thyroid cancer.

Fukushima, Japan – radiation accident.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

After a strong earthquake in Japan hit a 15-metre tsunami, causing the accident at Fukushima. The world health organization claims that Fukushima today is the most polluted place in the world.

Lake Karachay, Russia – disposal of radioactive waste.

10 самых загрязнённых мест Земли. Фото

Another the dirtiest place on Earth. Lake Karachay became a repository for radioactive waste “Mayak”. Until the mid 1990’s the lake was completely classified. It is believed that this lake increased the percentage of leukemia patients in Russia.

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