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The major earthquakes in California

Установлена причина крупных землетрясений в КалифорнииThe strongest aftershocks in 1933 led to the deaths of more than 120 people.

American geophysicists have determined the cause of the four major earthquakes that occurred in the early twentieth century in southern California, the anthropogenic factor. The study is published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

The human factor became the reason of four of the five major earthquakes. To such conclusion psychologists have come to discover that active oil and gas mining in the valley in Los Angeles occurred in the vicinity of the areas where there had been fluctuations in the earth’s surface.

The strongest tremors recorded in 1933 to the South-East of the city of long beach in the valley of Los Angeles, had a magnitude of 6.4 and resulted in the deaths of over 120 people.

Geophysics note that the induced (man-made) earthquake in California occurred as a result of direct extraction of oil and gas from underground sources and not, for example, in Oklahoma, the use of hydraulic fracturing.

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