Home / Economy / The IMF and the EBRD asking for the Ukraine to sell Odessa portside plant for pennies

The IMF and the EBRD asking for the Ukraine to sell Odessa portside plant for pennies

МВФ и ЕБРР просят Украину продать Одесский припортовый завод за копейки

The international Monetary Fund and the European Bank for reconstruction and development in an open letter, addressed the Ukrainian authorities with the recommendation to reduce the price of Odessa portside plant. The official reason — too high a price may deter potential investors from Ukraine and affect the country’s image as a seller. News reports агентствоReuters.

The IMF and EBRD write that “concerned that the largest international businessmen wouldn’t even consider such a proposal”.

Oddly enough, this time our government did not cave in under the request of Western partners. According to the press Secretary of the head of the Cabinet Dmitry Stolyarchuka, commented on the recommendations, the price of Odessa portside plant was previously defined in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and with the participation of representatives of the International monetary Fund and the European Bank for reconstruction and development.

Recall that the IPF is the largest and the main object of the current privatization. Its starting price is $ 500 million, the owner will determine the auction.

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