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The doctors talked about the pros and cons of liver detoxification

Медики рассказали о плюсах и минусах детоксикации печениExperts talked about all the “pros” and “cons” cleaning the liver.

The Internet is full of popular recipes and dietary supplements that promise to cleanse the liver. The question is whether they work, and how such funds are safe. First, you need to know that the liver itself is the main detoxification organ in the body. Therefore, the liver damage can be caused by multiple reasons, such as alcohol, drugs. Another danger is the paracetamol and the accumulation of fat in the liver due to obesity and diabetes type II.

Negatively affect on infections and various immunological mechanisms. In theory, such problems can cause a person to appeal to the idea of detoxification. However, remember that each of these types of damage requires their unique specific therapy.

If we talk about detoxification, very little scientific evidence that some common treatment (detox courses or diet) to protect or prevent liver damage from uncertain causes. You should always consider that the results of therapeutic effort has no solid scientific basis, are not always neutral or positive. The ratio risk/benefit may be negative, even strongly negative in some special cases, unpredictable.

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