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Thais bid farewell to their king

Жители Таиланда прощаются со своим королемTens of thousands of Thais arrived Saturday in the Grand Palace in Bangkok to pay respects to king Bhumibol Adulyadej.

On it informs Agency Reuters.

“About 80 thousand people arrived on Saturday morning to the Palace,” – said the Agency representative of the police.

It was originally planned that the throne room in the Palace will miss about 10 thousand people.

As reported, in the hall where lies the body of king, held daily religious rituals, in turn, each day brings members of the Royal family. The king of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej died on October 13.

King Bhumibol has not appeared in public during the year because of ill health, but his death was a huge shock for most Thais. He enjoyed the love and respect of broad segments of the population and was viewed as a figure of stability after decades of coups and political upheavals. King Bhumibol was the Thai throne in 1946.

In Thailand due to the death of the king declared a year of mourning.

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