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Psychologists are seriously concerned about a new manifestation of dependence on smartphones

Психологи всерьез обеспокоены новым проявлением зависимости от смартфоновDiscovered a new dependency on smartphones.

In recent times psychologists are seriously concerned about a new manifestation of Internet addiction.

Now a very common phenomenon when people can not break away from smartphone even while chatting with loved ones. This behavior is called Fabinho (eng. Phubbing — the combination of words “phone” and “snubbing” — neglect).

According to the researchers, smartphone users recognize fabbing social problem. Usually people are very annoying when interlocutors ignore them and concentrate on their smartphones. However, they do not notice is often do it yourself.

The researchers surveyed 251 people (93 men and 158 women, aged 18 to 66 years). Respondents were also asked to recall how many times a day they get distracted by a smartphone during a conversation with others and see how often this habit of interlocutors.

As a result, 53% of women and 21% of men said that distracted by a smartphone during a conversation at least twice. On the part of the interlocutors fabbing regularly notice 67% of women and 37% men. These results have been associated with poor ability to self-control and so-called syndrome of FOMO (fear of missing out) — an obsessive fear of missing something important in the news.

Scientists also claim that tabbing causes a chain reaction. If people see a demonstrative neglect from his companion, and she begins to look for support in social networks. The result of this behavior ceases to be unpleasant for both parties.

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