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The Donbass will not be tolerated

Why Nuland urges “hit the gas” in addressing the issue of elections in the DNI and LC, and Zakharchenko puts an ultimatum Donbass is not going to tolerate the delay in the implementation of the Minsk agreements on Ukraine and wait for years when Kiev “deign” to fulfill their obligations …

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Syrian metronome

The chief military event of the week was captured on video the destruction of the Turkish helicopter gunships AH-1W Super Cobra. In the Internet appeared the footage, which shows how on may 13 the Kurdish fighters shot down a Turkish military helicopter. Presumably, the helicopter was shot down in the …

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A little bit about the goats

I’m not an expert theologian and belong to the Orthodox faith more by birth than by spiritual impulse. But, nevertheless, being naturally inquisitive person, from time to time reading literature on religious themes, not to be full of “boots” in this area. To apply to this topic, made me an …

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Russia will return to Ukraine completely

American financial expert John Mauldin and George Friedman, the Director of a private intelligence and analysis company “Stratfor”, which is sometimes called the “shadow CIA”, in his article for the American Forbes explained why Russia is so important Ukraine in General and Crimea in particular. I wouldn’t call this curious …

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Zakharov praised the upcoming vote on Russia in Veneto

The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said that the vote in the Italian region Veneto, regarding the lifting of sanctions with Russia testifies to the failure of anti-Russian propaganda in the West their goals. “And the vote on the resolution to the regional Council of Veneto, …

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Gopnik is a great policy

You just probably realized that I’m talking about the USA, or rather the Pin. After all, this country behaves in the international arena as Gopnik of the gate, pitting their sixes at all objectionable. How many of these drunks came up with nasty things to Russia. That sanction, the doping …

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The madness of demons: in defense of Poklonskaya

Russia under the gun optic rifle with a curved magnifying glass. Any movement in the country is considered Russophobia under a magnifying glass, all cause anger, especially the blessing of Russia. In the days of our Victory raged the entire site – has been called the “Immortal regiment”, once insulted …

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Harmful than the cult of Nicholas II?

Why I’m against the attempts of glorification of Nicholas II? First, all these attempts in the depths of a very insincere, and secondly, antihistamine and, thirdly, in fact anti-Soviet – with all the consequences. What’s the Sovietism? If we abstract from everything and just look into the formula of the …

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The guards the law

The state Duma on Wednesday, may 18, will consider a bill to create the national guard in the first reading. The guards will be able to detain citizens, to check the documents, enter the dwelling, to use force, special means and weapons if necessary. It began the first purchase of …

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