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Paved with good intentions road to hell

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A strange metamorphosis taking place with local political characters. Today I would like to focus on one particular individual. Lady j, she’s an ex-convict Tymoshenko decided to play good fairy for the Ukrainian people. Feeling, causal place for the upcoming election, she decided just to break up opponents for his kindness and care about the Ukrainian people.

As Prime Minister of Ukraine, she is nothing special is not different from their “poperednik”. That is, people’s expectations she didn’t care, the fate of the country. it was to the bulb, while power was in her hands, she built themselves palaces, villas, shops, arranged the fate of his daughter. After “his release” for a long period she was in the shade. And now the time has come. Dismissing braid, Tymoshenko entered into an unequal battle, and the tactics of choosing surprisingly right.

Today the leader of the faction of Batkivshchyna demanded Groisman to publicize Ukraine’s commitments to the IMF. That is, some points which are not disclosed publicly. Tymoshenko calls these commitments are scary and to be contrary to the interests of the Ukrainian state and people. To make it clear, briefly describe them:

in the near future the Ukrainian government plans to lift the moratorium on sale of agricultural land, as well as to cancel the benefits to farmers. To raise tariffs for gas. To abolish the right of retirement on preferential terms for employees of education and medicine, besides will come a total reduction of workers in these sectors. To privatize for a song a number of strategically important objects of state ownership.

In General, nothing new, and nothing surprising. The conditions the IMF has never been known for their tolerance. But too late to change anything, and nobody even will seek. Without a loan from the Fund Ukraine simply declare bankruptcy, so the data requirements will be fulfilled sooner or later. As for Tymoshenko, it is a game to the public, which to nothing will lead. Another shaking of the air, to attract attention of the Ukrainian people to his person, which, incidentally, repeatedly burned, going on about the flattering speeches of Tymoshenko. So slowly everything is going to hell and no one can resist it, even a person with good intentions can not do it…

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