The government by 33% reduces expenditures on health

The Russian government decided to cut health care costs in 2017 33%, the draft budget law, published on Wednesday by the Ministry of Finance. The total amount of provisions for health care will amount to 362 billion rubles, as against 544 billion in the refined paintings of the 2016 budget. …

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Called the eight main causes of high blood pressure

These factors should be avoided. High blood pressure is a negative factor that may lead to health problems and trigger chronic disease. It makes the walls of blood vessels become thicker (since they can withstand additional pressure), and the heart to pump more blood in, which ultimately leads to heart …

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Britain will have to pay the EU 20 billion

Foggy Albion will have to cover its obligations, analysts say. Britain faces a situation in which the bill for “divorce” with the EU for the British side could reach 20 billion euros, according to analysis by the Financial Times. Thus, the total budget for the Eurozone could become one of …

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Odious Vine called Bob Dylan a “regular singer”

Russian musician questioned the popularity of the work of Dylan. American rock musician Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel prize for literature unjustly, said the Russian musician Yuri Loza in an interview with NSN. Dylan received the award “for the creation of a new poetic expression in the concept of …

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Alimony at anything: Alena Vodonaeva told where her money on luxury

Instagram/alenavodonaeva TV presenter and young mother, Alena Vodonaeva decided to plead her fans that she lives on alimony ex-spouse. Instagram/alenavodonaeva Vodonaeva regularly shares with subscribers, and more than 1.6 million people, with their candid photographs and scenes from his personal life, particularly images of the son of Bogdan from businessman …

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In January 2017, will earn the international Polar code

International Polar code will come into force on 1 January 2017, with a transition period in one year, reports TASS. About this at the conference “International cooperation in the Arctic: new challenges, new vectors of development”, said the Director of the Department of state policy in the field of Maritime …

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Asad felt in the air the smell of a Third world war

The air smells of a Third world war, said Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.According to him, currently the main source of the problem is terrorism. He added that the current situation on the world stage similar to the “cold war in the development stage”. “We see the escalation of the conflict, …

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