The ultraviolet light involved in the origin of life

Scientists working in the European space Agency, found that ultraviolet radiation was the main factor of the origin of life. The carbon atoms connected with hydrogen, oxygen and other elements is the source material of any organism. Previously, scientists believed that the atoms generate the greatest importance turbulence. According to …

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Computer games for kids can be useful

Experts have long proved that computer games have a positive effect on the behavior and development of the child. Scientific staff from the hospital del Mar, located in Barcelona, conducted its own investigation to determine the “Golden mean”. As is known, water is an integral part of the human diet. …

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On the US moving a new powerful Typhoon

In the States moves a new super Typhoon, which is in a significant deterioration of weather conditions. Meteorologists for the next three days predicts a significant deterioration of weather conditions in the United States with strong winds and powerful rainfall and floods along the Western coastline of the continent from …

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Lindsay Lohan is going to open a night club in Greece

The opening will take place on October 15 in Athens Actress Lindsay Lohan loves fun at parties as anyone in Hollywood. She decided to turn a hobby into a business and start my own night club. The opening will take place on October 15 in Athens, Greece, where recently settled …

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Бизнес-букеты – заказать в Киеве с доставкой

Сегодня все преподносят красивые композиции в качестве презента. Людям, желающим выделиться из общих масс, продемонстрировать собственную оригинальность, необходимо придумывать нечто новое. Приобретение презентабельных ансамблей, составленных опытными флористами с применением современного подхода, становится выводным решением. Что такое букет премиального уровня? Крупный интернет-магазин цветов в Киеве, следящий за тенденциями в моде …

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