Fitch improved the forecast on credit rating of Russia

International rating Agency Fitch Ratings improved the Outlook on the sovereign credit rating of Russia to “stable” from “negative”. Rating was confirmed at the last stage of investment level BBB-. It is reported TASS with reference to data of the Agency. “Russia was a dependable and consistent policy response to …

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The Minsk agreement went down the drain: what’s next

Yesterday’s statement by Poroshenko about the failure to implement the Minsk agreement struck many politicians, analysts and journalists in shock. Of course, we all understood and knew that as such “Minsk-2” is never executed, because the shelling continued and continues on the territory of Donbass so far. But who would …

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What should you eat to be beautiful

Face masks of cucumber and balm for hair based on egg yolks – the last century. Today, cosmetologists are advised to add healthy foods, not homemade tools. A beautician and a nutritionist Veronique lebar, Singapore built the list of foods that will help to preserve the beauty of hair, skin …

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Ukrainian Fashion Week in detail. Photo

In the Ukrainian capital continues the main seasonal fashion show is Ukrainian Fashion Week. Their new collections within Ukrainian fashion week in Kiev Mystetskyi Arsenal has managed to present the leading designers of the country. In addition to the shows of the best Ukrainian designers, Ukrainian Fashion Week traditionally celebrated …

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The Philippines was struck by a powerful Typhoon.

Sunday, 16 October, the Philippines was struck by a powerful Typhoon, the victims of which have already become two people. According to The Telegraph, earlier, authorities evacuated nearly 12.5 thousand people in connection with the approaching Typhoon. According to local authorities, in many villages people were left without power, homes …

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Beyonce showed fans a graceful figure

Famous American singer Beyonce on his page on Instagram published a picture where the girl is in a transparent black dress. Famous American singer Beyonce on his page on Instagram published a picture where the girl is in a transparent black dress. Thus, the singer showed the fans elegance of …

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