Everything you need to know about tumors in the spine

Doctors told about what is a hemangioma and is it worth it to fear. Checking your spine, a person would hope that the doctor will please him and not call any terrible diagnoses. But very often in response to patients hear the term “hemangioma” associated with all the title with …

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Syrian rebels and the opposition refused to leave Aleppo

The rebels intend to stay until the overthrow of Assad. Syrian rebels and the opposition refused to leave the city of Aleppo. This was announced by the Commissioner based in Aleppo group Fastack Zakaria Malachite. “Groups completely reject any output, it would mean surrender,” said the rebel. As stressed by …

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In the Parliament of Britain the rape occurred

Now the Parliament is working with police in the investigation, and the suspect released. British police arrested 23-the summer guy whom suspect of rape on the territory of the British Parliament. This was announced by The British The Mirror, adding that the prisoner is not a member of Parliament. According …

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Sister Kadashian came to a children’s party in a revealing bodysuit

19-year-old Kylie Jenner knows how to attract attention. The youngest of the family Kardashian-Jenner turned his life into one continuous fotosessiya and recently impressed her fans in racy Instagram selfie with her boyfriend, Taiga. The younger sister of Kim Kardashian, recently starring in the photo shoot Ukrainian photographer Sasha Samsonova …

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Assault boat for special forces and marine corps

Subsidiary enterprise of the concern “Kalashnikov” “Rybinsk shipyard” completed testing of high-speed assault boats BK-10. The group reports that the attack boats can be used for routine patrolling, sabotage and counter-sabotage operations in the coastal zone, transport of personnel assault groups, fire support and landing on unequipped coast. BK-10 effecive …

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