Baby-boxes and abortions: what to do

(News of medicine) From two initiatives — one legislative, and other public — will be presented for discussion to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the near future. Senator Elena Mizulina has developed a draft law on the closure of baby-boxes — specially equipped places with the cradle, …

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Ksenia Sobchak will become a mother in her birthday Pregnancy Ksenia Sobchak became a sensation, because the presenter has never hidden that dislikes children, and everything connected with them. Long blonde hid his position, but now there is no doubt that the star will become a mother soon. Earlier it was reported that the firstborn of Xenia …

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Government and business

The best response to Western sanctions will be the maximum freedom for doing business in Russia. This was stated by the President. But there is an important circumstance: we can not give freedom to business, smothering her in everything else. It is impossible to build in the country working democracy, …

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Исторические аспекты развития гимнастики, и бизнес для здоровья

В наши дни физическое воспитание становится более важным. Это вызвано тем, что из-за экологических и экономических факторов здоровья становится более уязвимым для внешнего вмешательства. Поэтому перед детскими садами встает вопрос об укреплении здоровья детей. Наиболее эффективным в современной системе физического воспитания является гимнастика. Гимнастика – это физические упражнения, выполняемые для …

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Putin will increase to Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister

The Minister of sport Vitaly Mutko is appointed as the new Deputy Prime Minister, which will oversee the government issues of sport, tourism and youth policy. About it reports on Wednesday, September 19, TASS. The proposal for the appointment Mutko made Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and approved by President Vladimir …

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Simultaneously person to raise and to send to the bench. We use this way, since we are talking about sports. The purpose Mutko Deputy Prime Minister formally raises him on the hierarchical ladder, but actually I’m not sure. The post may be purely nominal. Just Vitaly Mutko became a living …

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Doctors told about the benefits of garlic

Experts shared impressive data about the garlic and its medicinal properties to those who still doesn’t eat because of the pungent smell. Since childhood all make has garlic and no wonder, because it is a powerful tool in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Garlic is the original aroma …

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