Autumn beet diet: minus 3 kg per week

It turns out that you can lose weight and fall out when the refrigerator significantly reduced the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you’re tired of searching an efficient system of losing weight that is just right for you nutritionists reminded again about the unique properties of beets cleanse …

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Сериал «Дневники Вампира» 8 сезон смотреть можно в онлайн-режиме

Любителям сочетания фильмов-ужасов и мелодрамы нынешний сезон подарил уникальный проект, в котором тесно переплетаются любовные и трагические эпизоды. В небольшом городке Мистик Фоллзе происходит страшная трагедия. Семнадцатилетняя девушка Елена Гилберт и ее младший брат Джереми в один миг остались без попечительства родителей. Юная леди тяжело переживает гибель родных людей, которых …

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This quaint restaurant looks like a prison. Photo

The restaurant is popular both among adults and among children. The incredible popularity of themed restaurants in China, even not to think about the menu. Agree, in the mass, such trends are typical for almost any place on the planet. The authors of the idea say that the restaurant is …

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Fighters conduct aimed fire on fleeing Aleppo residents

It is fired from mortars and small arms, sniper. Under fire from the groups Jabhat Fatah al-sham (formerly al-Nusra) and Ajras al-sham came as civilians and fighters who agreed to lay down their arms. It is noted that the firing is conducted including rocket launchers and sniper weapons. About obtrude …

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The FIFA rankings: no changes for Ukraine

The international football Federation submitted an updated rating of your organization. In October, the Ukraine national team played two matches in qualification for the 2018 world Cup – the team of Andriy Shevchenko shared the points with Turkey (2:2) and defeated Kosovo (3:0). These results did not allow “blue-yellow” to …

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Refute one of the main myths about the origin of man

It is found, archaeologists from Brazil and the UK, whose discovery changes the understanding of the evolution of human activity. Stones with cutting edges resembling tools, are not only apes, but other species of primates. It is found, archaeologists from Brazil and the UK, whose discovery changes the understanding of …

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