Scientists made a sensational statement about mice

It turns out that mouse feel each other’s pain.American scientists have found that mice can feel each other’s pain through the smell that they emit, experiencing discomfort. Reported by the journal Science Advances. The discovery was made by accident when scientists studied the mice to help people find a way …

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Preventing the development of osteoarthritis

Doctors say that each person is able to take care of your spine, in order to prevent the development of most common diseases — osteoarthritis. Most of today’s youth, as people in Mature and old ages, spend almost all day in a sitting position. Judge for yourself: eat Breakfast at …

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Incredible research projects that scientists work. Photo

It projects the future. Architecture becomes one of the most important areas of the modern world. Best able to use the experience of architects and scientists. The Project “Biosphere 2”The Arizona DesertBillionaire Edward bass decided to show humanity how important the planet is. To this end, he hired scientists who …

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Moby spoke about the annexation of the Crimea

The musician considers the occupation of the ARC, “bad use of taxpayer money”. The world famous American DJ and singer Moby spoke about the annexation of the Crimea. In an interview with “Kommersant”, the musician has offered the Russians “to look rationally” the occupation of Crimea. “Look at Crimea. What …

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Hosted a presentation I am Bread for Android

Company Bossa Studios has developed a new simulator for Android devices. The owners of I am Bread offered to the history of the piece of bread from a small piece to a whole piece of toast. Previously, the simulator became popular on consoles PlayStation 4, PC and iOS. The developers …

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Scientists were able to measure the temperature inside zipper

To create artificial lightning, scientists used the so-called shock generator. Chinese scientists under the leadership of CANSO is the first time were able to measure the temperature inside a lightning bolt. The results of the work they published in the journal Scientific Reports. To create artificial lightning, scientists used the …

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