This historic “winter,” the West will not survive

The West is experiencing the worst crisis in its history and the living of it the Euro-Atlantic community has not come out ever, I agree politicians on both sides of the Atlantic. The current generation of Western leaders faces the most serious challenge over the last 70 years, wrote Thursday …

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What is best to eat with flu – tips therapists

Doctors told what foods should be eaten, when they defeated the flu virus. Menu for a patient with the flu is somewhat different from how eat healthy people. The thing is that the food needs to act as the auxiliary agent, fighting the virus and its manifestations. Most interesting is …

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In Moscow starts festival of French cinema

France is rightfully called the country of love is brightly represented in the national cinema, full of stories, touching to the core. The Russian public loves them, appreciates and expects. A movie can be watched with the whole family, but because this weekend in the cinema “pioneer” expect to see …

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In Latvia has detained the producer of the Pro-Kremlin TV channel

Producer of news Agency “Russia today” was detained in Latvia and intend to deport.Ella Taranova detained by the border service of Latvia, as it is in the “black list” of the Latvian foreign Ministry. This was stated by the organizer of the “Baltic forum”, which came Taranov, Alexander Vassiliev. Taranovu …

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SBU has banned the rap to come to Ukraine

Persona non grata she has won 12 of October. SBU has banned entry to Ukraine the singer Natasha Koroleva. About this on his page in Facebook said the leader of the Brotherhood Dmitry Korchinsky. SBU took this decision in response to the Deputy address of Oksana Korchynska. The singer was …

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