In late autumn

Gone is the Golden autumn. For a long time and stood still Sunny days, enmeshed in webs of light — messengers of “Indian summer”. And it seemed it would last forever: these foggy mornings and mild days filled with Golden light. But one morning suddenly tightened haze clear sky, the …

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Putin: Russia and Ukraine, first divided, and then bleed

But the countries themselves will find a way out of the crisis, said the Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia and Ukraine are “divided, then bleed,” but the countries themselves will find a way out of the crisis. “We first divided, and then was vented, but we …

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The most beneficial alcoholic drink

Why is it useful to drink red wine: 10 reasons.About the benefits red wine has long been known. It cleanses the body of toxins, tones blood vessels, improves heart function. Wine rejuvenates, enhances immunity and improves brain function. But all this is assuming that you drink it in moderation. 1. …

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Original interior design with beautiful mansions. Photo

Collection of beautiful houses, mansions and interiors for any taste. Today, the owners of real estate try to arrange their room, conforming to modern innovations and trends. Always create the interior of the house was considered time-consuming and creative process. But today, thanks to the latest technologies and modern materials, …

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