Nastya Kamensky showed what it looks like without makeup

The singer also showed his sweet dog. Ukrainian singer and member of the Duo “Potap and Nastya” Anastasia Kamenskih, which is the mother Potap recently named Muse and her son shown in the network, as she prepares Breakfast for himself and his dog Mimi. About this singer said in his …

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In GTA V found the damn house

The movie deserves attention in view of the coming celebration of Halloween. Fan of GTA V found the game mystery house, burned to the ground. Despite the fact that there’s no one here I heard a baby crying, although the child one can not find. In the comments under the …

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Users were outraged prices on new laptops

On the resource Reddit created dozens of topics where users are discussing laptops. Internet users have expressed their first impressions on the new Apple laptops, presented the day before. The network Reddit people complain about the cost of the devices, the initial price which starts from $1500. Given that the …

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Impressive shots: looks like the Aurora from space

The ISS took a strong Aurora.Strong and amazingly beautiful Aurora Borealis was shot aboard the International space station. Aboard the International space station on 26 October 2016 was filmed very powerful Aurora. Meditative video of this spectacular phenomenon created by technology timelapse, available at AstronautiCAST channel on YouTube. The Aurora …

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“When you’re gone”: Putin “Valdai” asked a bad question

As Vladimir Vladimirovich has retired. Three hours of discussion, participants of club “Valdai” five (!) times hinted to Vladimir Putin for the inevitable retirement. To raise a delicate subject let the theme of the meeting “the Future starts today: outlines of tomorrow”, involves the discussion of the principles of the …

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The USA is continuing to surround Russia with military bases

The US plans to expand its military presence in Georgia. This is evidenced by published on the government procurement website the order for the erection in this country of buildings for use for the Ministry of defense. Earlier about necessity of creation in Georgia of American military bases “to strengthen …

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Apocalypse in Paris…

As you know, the topic of refugees in Europe current 200 % and so hot that it affects the rest of the world including. Here are two contradictions: moral principles and values that newcomers bring with them. A civilized society can not help those who flee from war and death. …

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