Useful facts about the juices that you didn’t know

What scientists say about cranberry, orange and grape juice? Mango juice will protect from obesityBeneficial properties of the juice were studied by Brazilian scientists, the results of these studies were published in the journal of Nutrition. The experiment was conducted on laboratory animals, which were divided into several groups according …

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A wonderful country: beautiful Italy. Photo

Italy – the eternal source of inspiration for photographers, painters, and artists.A country of ancient cities, majestic mountains and stunning lakes, breathtaking mountain and sea landscapes – all this is Italy. Every person who visited this friendly country will keep in his heart a piece of this wonderful region. We …

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Mutilated by a plastic surgeon Sasha Project marries In the beginning the singer Sasha Project (real name Sasha Ginsburg) bathed in the glory of her hits have topped the radio ratings, men are called a sex symbol, and women wanted to have the same appearance. Suddenly, however, the star disappeared from sight, never recorded songs and never …

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