These reasons can cause cramps in the legs

The doctors shared information about possible causes of leg cramps and how to prevent them, this need to know everything. As we know, to cope with the cramp in the water is almost impossible, if not at hand will be the pins, which will need to prick the location on …

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In a major accident in Japan, 19 people injured

All of them received injuries of varying severity. As a result of collision of bus and truck on Saturday evening in Yokohama Japanese injured 19 people. The truck driver, a man aged about 70 years, was seriously injured, also injured bus passengers.Read also: Fire in the Dnipropetrovsk region: injured 6 …

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Unknown attacked with a knife at four people in Germany

All the victims were hospitalized. In Germany four people were stabbed in an attack by unknown group of people. The incident happened in the underpass near the Central square of Frankfurt am main. According to the portal, the attack occurred on Saturday at about 17.30 local time (18.30 CET). On …

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Alina Grosu was urgently hospitalized in Moscow

Ukrainian singer showed in the network, how it is treated in Russia.21-year-old Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu, who for several years lived and performed in Russia, told the network that she became seriously ill and she even had to urgently go to the hospital. About the artist, who recently lit up …

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Found a unique star system of three stars, scientists

Astronomers have discovered a mysterious star system. Astronomers from the University of Oklahoma, USA, found a very rare cosmic system, which consists of three stars. Details of the study published in the scientific journal Nature. Scientists analyzed the data obtained with the help of powerful telescope ALMA in Chile, and …

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