“If not Putin, Kadyrov, Surgeon, Shooters”

Little conspiracy: a possible scenario of the presidential campaign in 2018. Over the past week there have been a lot of strange. Putin pulls of the Ministry of defense (called the “high risk” incident with the flight of Russian military aircraft near a us ship in the Black sea), Matvienko …

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Onion diet for weight loss: menus and recommendations

Onion diet is quite effective, in 1 week you can get rid of 5 pounds. A vegetarian diet, as everyone probably already know, completely eliminates from the menu of meat and fish in any form. During its observance the human body is experiencing a great demand in b vitamins, iron, …

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The U.S. evacuated families of American diplomats from Istanbul

The state Department ordered families of employees of the American Consulate in Istanbul to leave the city. In the state Department are afraid of possible attacks by extremists in Istanbul. The US state Department ordered family members of employees of the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul to return to the …

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Burial of the period before our era discovered in Tajikistan

What is in the graves, the researchers said. Burial period BC discovered in the fortress Yamchun. We are talking about Royal houses, an ancient historical monument, where scientists have found a room 10×10 meters. Archaeologists representing the RT Academy of Sciences and the history Department of the Tajik national University, …

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Russian Marines came to the aid of Syrian army

Syrian troops repulsed another attack of militants of the Islamic State in Aleppo province. Islamists again tried to capture the airfield voennue Kuveyris, raspolojennoi in the Eastern province. Not becoming to come up with anything new to cause any damage to Syrian forces, the militants sent a suicide bomber on …

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