Anastasia Stotskaya has arranged erotic photosession in the bathroom

Popular singer Anastasia Stotskaya pleasantly pleased fans. The popular performer has excited fans of erotic photos, where she posed in the bathroom. Stylish photo liked followers. Anastasia Stotskaya not often spoils fans of spicy images. Usually in the microblogging stars appear shots with my son. Recently, however, Anastasia took part …

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Scientists: “rise of the machines” will not happen soon

When the Nobel laureate Ben Fehring said nano-particles are unlikely to be a threat to humanity. American Chad Mirkin, who is a well-known chemist, I am sure, today’s developments in nano-field are still very far from those used in the terminator. Therefore, in the next century, humanity is not threatened …

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Creta from Hyundai will be a budget model with all-wheel drive

How much do you get publicly available all-wheel drive variant is unknown. Crossover Hyundai Grand should appear in the budget version equipped with all-wheel drive. Crossover Hyundai Creta, which is available in version base with 1.6-liter engine at 123 horsepower, should get four-wheel drive transmission. In addition, the budget model …

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How heaven became hell

Experiment “universe-25”: how heaven became hell   For the population of mice in the social experiment created the Paradise conditions of unlimited food and drink, absence of predators and disease, sufficient space for breeding. However, the entire colony of mice died. Why did this happen? And what are the lessons …

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Nutritionists invented a new method of acquiring a slim figure

Scientists from the USA carried out experiments, after which they had formulated a new method of losing weight. Using for his experiments a volunteer group of men, the authors of the study, the staff of the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania concluded that skipping Breakfast and intense physical training in …

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The flamboyant fashion of the jazz era. Photo

The exhibition presents photographs from private collections and archives, James Abbe Archive. In the art Museum Fashion and Textile Museum in London opened an exhibition of photos of “1920s Jazz Age Fashion & Photographs”, dedicated to the era of jazz that followed the end of the First world war. The …

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