NASA is going to build a base on the moon’s orbit

The station could become the first interplanetary spacecraft. NASA, by 2023 Turkey plans to build the international space station near the moon. As reported by the portal owner SpaceWeb Russia Anatoly Zak, the question of establishing an international database was discussed at a closed meeting, which was attended by experts …

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Wrong Putin’s dogs

The argument between Mr Putin with Polygraph Polygraphovich The past week saw a lively correspondence of characters who in real life rarely communicate with each other: it was attended by Directors, the bikers and the press Secretary of the Russian President. Don’t know about you, but I have this correspondence …

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The crooks stole a St. Petersburg poet of 1.2 million rubles

The scammers stole from 79-year-old St. Petersburg poet of 1.2 million rubles. On Friday, 4 November, reports news Agency “Operational cover”. According to him, the crime occurred on 17 October, but a statement to the police the victim has filed only the day before. The man, whose name was not …

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The IMF mission returned to Kiev. Will you give money?

Another International monetary Fund mission started its work in Ukraine on 3 November. We are talking about verifying the implementation of necessary reforms for the allocation of Kiev loan of $1.3 billion through 2016. In mid-September, the IMF issued Ukraine a third tranche of $1 billion, although that decision meant …

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Audi introduced the new convertible

The price of new products starts from 49 € 350. The German company Audi in anticipation of the public debut of its new generation convertible A5 and S5, scheduled for 14 November in the framework of the Los Angeles auto show, presented their new products. The cars got a soft …

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Fradkov will carry the umbrella over an aging Putin

Vladimir Putin turns to his grandfather. By peppy the guarantor of the Constitution, maybe it won’t, but old habits inadvertently punched through the outer youthfulness of the national leader. The President is cautious and conservative, at night, peacefully asleep, in the morning eating barley porridge, prone to long pauses in …

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Presented Samsung smartphone W2017 in a clamshell

Lit up a couple of days ago unofficial pictures Samsung smartphone W2017 finally appeared before the world audience. About this mobile phone, we wrote several times — it is the same device that was previously known under the codename Veyron, which eventually decided to give up. For some reason Samsung …

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Smartphone OnePlus 3T show in mid-November

From the Chinese microblogging system Weibo, it was reported the date of the presentation of the new smartphone OnePlus 3T. As expected, it will be shown later this month, but still earlier than originally planned. Yesterday the presentation of the smartphone OnePlus 3T was previously scheduled for the last day …

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