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Offensive in Raqqa threatens to push the US and Russia

Наступление на Ракку грозит столкнуть США и РоссиюSupported by Moscow and Washington army “took ticks” the capital of ISIS.

Russian-backed army of Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian opposition, which is supported by the US, can come together in a battle for the capital “Islamic state” in Raqqa.

Officials in Washington rule out this possibility, but experts are not so optimistic. Analysts claim that there is no guarantee that the two armies will not be at the same time trying to capture the strategically important city of Syria.

Instead, together, move towards the settlement of the conflict in Syria side of the “pinch the enemy in a pincer movement and enhance the strategic risk, the FT notes.

According to the author, Russia can put pressure on Syrian government forces to speed up the promotion and take Raqqa first, “naaliw Americans” who have long promised to take the city.

What coordination towards raqqa between the US and Russia could undermine the credibility of the rebels to Washington.

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