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Named the reasons why it is necessary to refuse from fried

Названы причины, почему надо отказаться от жареного Doctors told why it is necessary to minimize or eliminate fried foods.

Reducing the amount of fried foods, up to complete refusal of such food leads to improvement of human health by restoring the natural protective resources of the body. To such conclusion reached by the clinicians from the medical school of mount Sinai in the United States, who noted that improvement of health in the refusal of fried food occurs regardless of the age or condition of the body.

Endocrinologists from mount Sinai, was held the four-month study involving 350 people aged 18-60 years who were asked to abandon the use of fried foods or significantly reduce it in your diet. As a result, scientists have established that the rejection of fried foods leads to a marked decrease in the intensity of exposure to the cells of toxins AGEs – end products, enhanced glycation, which is a special molecule that impedes the blood flow in the capillaries.

In other words, the condition of the vascular system and blood circulation in the volunteers, ceases to eat fried food has improved, which also had a positive effect on the entire body.

“A month later, the volunteers had a 60% decreased levels of AGEs, lipid peroxides, inflammatory markers and biomarkers of vascular function in the blood. In addition were seen a positive change in cellular receptor called AGER1, which is critical to cleanse the body of toxic AGEs. Due to the change of nutrition even in patients with renal diagnoses, the number of AGER1 gene copies was restored to normal levels,” – said the authors of the project.

The main danger from eating fried foods, according to experts, is that the body in this case penetrate the oxidation products. Based on the data obtained in its investigation, scientists have put forward the hypothesis that oxidants play a more active role than genetics in the suppression of protective processes the body needs to fight inflammation, aging and various diseases. That is why the rejection of fried foods gives as tangible an effect of improving health. According to clinicians from the United States, thanks to such a simple dietary intervention can not only lose weight, but also to prevent the development of dangerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart and kidney disease.

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