Home / Science and technology / iPhone 6 banned to sell in Beijing for plagiarism

iPhone 6 banned to sell in Beijing for plagiarism

iPhone 6 запретили продавать в Пекине за плагиат“Apple” the company is accused of stealing design.

Beijing authorities have decided to stop selling smartphones, Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus due to the fact that the design is allegedly a plagiarism of models of the Chinese company Burley.

The audit, which was conducted by the Bureau for the protection of intellectual property of Beijing found that Apple has illegally appropriated the patented design of the handset 100C.

According to experts, the differences between the two smartphones is small, and the average buyer may not even notice.

After discovering that the local authorities have decided to ban the sale of Apple products in Beijing.

It is also known that “Apple” the company has already appealed to the court to appeal this decision.

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