Home / World / In Estonian forest we found a container of uranium

In Estonian forest we found a container of uranium

В эстонском лесу нашли контейнер с ураномThe exact origin of the container is unknown.

In the woods near Talina found the container of radioactive material hidden near the vault with sand in the area of former Soviet military unit.

Now a metal cylinder, which was the uranium sent for examination.

On the finding notified by the security police.

In turn a press-the Secretary Pechackova rescue center Indrek Hirs noted that after the container of radioactive material will zablokirovat and stored in the designated place.

“Professionals special chemical service and rescue Department, assisted by the measuring instruments and x-rays found that the capsule contains isotope of uranium. But since it is securely closed, and she emitted radiation is minimal and poses no real danger, it was decided not to open it,” he said.

At the same time, the origin of the finds is unknown.

“Presumably, she refers to the Soviet era or the transitional period. No one knows for sure. It was mentioned that near the place of occurrence once housed a Soviet military unit,” said Hirs.

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