Home / Science and technology / In Australia, Siri saved the life of one-year-old child

In Australia, Siri saved the life of one-year-old child

 В Австралии Siri спасла жизнь годовалому ребенку The mother of the child with the help of Siri voice assistant called an ambulance.

IPhone smartphone of the latest generation helped one-year-old girl Guyans survive after you stop breathing.

The child’s mother Stacey Gleason was spying on her using a baby monitor and found that the daughter began to choke. The woman hurried to help and pulled the baby on the floor. In a panic she tried to dial the emergency telephone numbers with your fingers, but dropped his iPhone.

Then the mother realized to use Siri, the voice assistant capable of performing simple tasks. The woman instructed the program and was able to call for help.

Parents of the rescued girls are sure that every second could play a role. “[Siri] gave Stacy the time for resuscitation of Giani,” says the child’s father, often absent at home because of his service in the Navy.

Mr. and Mrs. Gleason is recommended to know all about the capabilities of their devices and maximize their use in difficult situations.

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