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Food poisoning: a clear plan for helping the sick

Пищевое отравление: четкий план по оказанию помощи больномуDoctors told what to do when people were poisoned by food.

In the summer the number of cases with food poisoning increases several times, if compared with the cold season. And all because at high temperature bacteria are much easier to breed for food. Plus, on vacation, people forget that natural markets are a hotbed of bacteria, and in consequence find themselves in the infectious diseases hospital, to eat pie, Shawarma, steak, bought from a sweet grandmother, and so on, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

One of the important reasons for food poisoning is hygiene. Especially suffer the children, dirty hands that grab everything and chew on. Also, this applies to poorly washed food brought into the house from the store or market. So the rule “wash hands before eating,” need to memorize yourself, and to teach their children and not serve products that have not undergone the processing water.

The symptoms of food poisoning:

1. Vomiting and diarrhea are often plagued poisoning.

2. Sharp pain in the abdomen and nausea.

3. The increase in body temperature may indicate the presence of the organism in a serious infection inside it with food.

How to help someone with food poisoning:

1. To call the doctor. If the person is bent over and cannot straighten up from the pain in the abdomen, the body temperature rose to 39-40 degrees, and vomiting occurred more than 5 times in 1 hour, then help can only “Ambulance”. While the medics go in any case the patient can not give any drugs, so how is “smeared” picture of the disease.

2. Lavage of the stomach. This method is permissible in cases when there are no symptoms, as in paragraph No. 1. So, the person needs to wash out the stomach, so got out the toxins trapped in there with food. For washing, you will need a large amount of water — about 3 liters. You can add water to soda or potassium permanganate, but one of water would be sufficient. The patient should drink about one and a half liters of water and if vomiting does not occur, I need to call her yourself using your two fingers. Wash therefore you need to stomach until the vomit will not be crystal clear.

3. Enema. So surely derive from the human body toxic substances, which led to the poisoning, you need to give him an enema. The patient himself is able to do anything supernatural to him is not required, only warm water and enema. To enter you need at least 1 liter of water, but it is possible and more.

4. To drink absorbent. Any absorbent drug that the patient is at home, it is possible to drink, in order to provide your body extra protection. For example, black or white, coal perfectly absorbs toxins and removes them from the body, so every 15 minutes after done the above procedures you need to drink 2 tablets of charcoal and so 3-4 times a day.

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