Home / Medicine / Experts explain why listening to music on headphones harmful

Experts explain why listening to music on headphones harmful

Эксперты объяснили, почему слушать музыку в наушниках вредноIt is especially dangerous to listen to music at high volumes.

Even the music of the middle level of volume emanating from the headphones of the player, capable of inflicting serious damage to the organs of hearing, warn scientists from the United Arab Emirates.

To lose your hearing, do not have all night to stand on the disco speakers. Experts from the United Arab Emirates believe that prolonged listening not too loud music in the MP3 player almost as bad as a loud sound, even in this case, the hearing organs are subjected to excessive load and can be permanently damaged. If you listen to music for eight hours for the volume to 90 decibels may cause loss of hearing. About the noise created by the lawn mower or traffic on a busy road. The auditory system is able to withstand only like 8 hours of sound exposure before the cells of middle ear begin to deteriorate. Every additional five decibels to reduce the time of a possible listening to twice. For example, the ear is capable of Inositol 95 decibels, only four hours. Noise of 120 decibels can permanently damage hearing instantly.

The best, according to experts, is listening with sound included at half power. You can listen to music for 5 hours at 60 volume percent before it will become dangerous. The sound at 90% volume should not affect the ears more than 10-15 minutes. In this case, fans of loud music, you need to give your ears regular breaks for recovery.

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