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Engineers have created a robot for harvesting apples

Инженеры придумали робота для сборки урожая яблокExperts say that in a short time difficult for a person work is done by robots.

Representatives of the developer claimed that the new “miracle of technology” will soon go into production. Is the name of the robot there, but it works efficiently and quickly. The device collects one Apple per second, while not squashing the fruit. It can also travel from tree to tree. Dan of SCIRI, one of the founders of the company Abudant Robotics, said that the engineers bull facing a difficult challenge, since the robot needs to pick fruit without damaging them. Because the way out of this situation was vacuum harvesting.

This method of picking apples is similar to the cleaning of the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. After shearing, the fruits pass through the damping tube and fall into a special tank. They remain there, people will not pull them. Moreover, when the apples fall into the bucket, they don’t hit each other and crumple.

In the future the developers plan to improve the unit that he collected not only apples but also other fruits and vegetables. They also want to equip the device with a sensor that will identify spoiled apples and trees affected by scab. Product interested owners of farmland from the United States and Australia.

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