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Elon Musk has challenged Uber

Илон Маск бросил вызов UberMusk is ready to compete with Uber.

The head of the Board of Directors of Tesla Motors Elon Musk said that the company is developing a car-share system, which will allow drivers to compete with taxi service Uber.

According to him, the system of the Tesla Network will earn money solely for car owners.

The car-share system was announced by Musk in July. “Tesla will bring you income while you work or rest… This will significantly reduce the cost of owning a car, almost everyone can afford a Tesla,” said Musk then.

According to the plans of Tesla, the car-share system needs to be developed immediately after the creation of reliable automated and the approval of the national regulators.

“It’s described as a Tesla against Uber. But actually this is not the Tesla competes with Uber, it’s people compete with Uber,” said Elon Musk.

It is obvious that Musk sees Tesla Network as a way to give vehicle owners a way to control the monetization of their own cars. Ideally, the vehicle itself will be able to pay for itself.

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